Announcement from Sir Wyn Williams on the Governance Assessor Appointment
In my Progress Update, I indicated my intention to appoint a Governance Assessor with extensive expertise in corporate governance and who would assist me in taking the next steps in this Inquiry. Following review of applications and subsequent discussions, I am minded to appoint Erika Percival. Erika is CEO of Beyond Governance and I am confident that Erika has the right experience and skillset to support me as we move forward.
However, before making my final decision, I must allow 7 days for Core Participants to submit representations on this proposed appointment. I invite such representations until 5pm on Wednesday 1st December 2021 by email to or by post to PO Box: PO Horizon IT Inquiry, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET. After this, I will make a further announcement regarding the appointment.