Creative experts to work with sub-postmasters on Inquiry Legacy Project

The Inquiry has today announced that it will be working with creative experts to develop its Legacy Project to ensure the effects of the Horizon scandal will not be forgotten.

Art Lewry and Morag Wood, who worked with participants in the Infected Blood Inquiry on its memorial, and recent Reflections at the publication event, will work with sub-postmasters, family members, and others impacted by the scandal, to create the Legacy Project. 

The two creative developers met with sub-postmasters and family members in an engagement session held by the Inquiry last week

Art Lewry, creative lead for the work with the Infected Blood Inquiry, said: “Morag and I are honoured and privileged to be able to bring our skills and experience to the Post Office Horizon Inquiry legacy project. We look forward to working with the Inquiry, sub-postmasters and families to explore how a lasting legacy can be created that can also act as a catalyst for positive change.”

Following the recent launch of ‘In Your Own Words’, this session invited those impacted by the scandal to share their stories, on themes including any impacts on family, childhood, and relationships.

Helen Ryan, Deputy Secretary of the Inquiry, said: “Through our Human Impact hearings, In Your Own Words, and engagement sessions such as these we are gaining crucial insight into the wide-ranging impacts of the scandal. It is so important to the Inquiry that those impacted by the scandal have a central role in shaping the Legacy Project so I am glad that Art and Morag are committed to working closely with people affected.”

These discussions build on a previous engagement session held in October 2023, in which former sub-postmasters, branch managers, assistants, family members and others shared with the Inquiry what a Legacy Project means to them and what it should cover.

Lewry and Wood will continue to meet and engage with those impacted by the scandal to shape the Legacy Project. 


Notes to editors:

  • Art Lewry, founder of creative agency Hunter Gatherer, and Morag Wood, founder of the Culture Communications Collective, are experienced creative professionals who have helped organisations and groups form ideas on creative legacy and other solutions. This has included projects for organisations, memorials and museums in the UK, US, Australia, Asia and Europe, as well as for the Infected Blood Inquiry and the Covid-19 Inquiry.
