Submissions on Issues of Compensation

Further to the announcement which I made on 9th May 2022, I now invite written submissions from Core Participants to the Inquiry to address the issues set out below by 31st May 2022.


A. Historical Shortfall Scheme (“the HSS”)

  1. The heads of loss which are recoverable under the HSS and the reason(s) for any exclusions;
  2. Whether there has been delay and, if so, the cause(s) of delay in processing applications under the HSS;
  3. The provision which has been made for applicants to obtain independent legal advice in respect of their claims under the HSS and whether it is adequate;
  4. The provision which has been made for interim payments pending completion of dispute resolution procedures under the HSS.


B. Final Compensation for SPMs with Quashed Convictions

  1. The principles which are being applied to the calculation of final compensation payments;
  2. The mechanism(s) by which final compensation payments are being calculated;
  3. The provision (if any) which is being made for applicants to obtain independent legal advice in relation to their claims;
  4. The procedure(s) which are being adopted to resolve disputes about the value of final compensation payments.


C. Fair Compensation for the Group Litigation Claimants

  1. The principles which will be applied to the calculation of further compensation payments;
  2. The mechanism(s) by which further compensation payments will be calculated;
  3. The provision (if any) which will be made for applicants to obtain independent legal advice in relation to their claims;
  4. The procedure(s) which will be adopted to resolve disputes about the value of further compensation payments.

Sir Wyn Williams

10 May 2022